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    Defoaming agent GY-X60


    GY-X60 is anew-generation high-performance organosilicone compound, it is applicable toprevent, control and eliminate the foams in the aqueous system, for example,eliminate the foams in the water-based pesticide preparation such as pesticidewater agent and water suspension agent during preparation and subpackage.


    GY-X60 is easyto disperse in water medium and good in acid-base/temperature scope andhigh-temperature foam elimination and inhibition effect under normal and mediumtemperature. The product can be added into the water-based pesticidepreparation directly; requires to be pre-diluted before using in special case,and the dilution sequence is: add the softening water or deionized water intothe defoaming agent slowly, mix it appropriately, prevent forced shearing andreversed dilution steps, and exhaust the dilution solution within 24h.


    Appearance(25)Whiteemulsus uniform liquid
    pH(1% water solution)6.0-8.0
    Proposeddosage (%)0.2-0.5

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